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Remnant of an extensively utilised area that gives an idea of how beautiful and rich in biodiversity the Central Plateau once was.
The Nuoler Ried (on E-Bird ‘Nuolener Ried’), a fen, is the eastern end of a meadow area, the largest part of which is the Allmeind between Lachen and Nuolen. The whole area is commonly called "Nuoler Ried". Formerly used extensively for haymaking and important for birds adapted to the agricultural landscape, the ecological importance of this area has now been significantly diminished by exploitation (gravel extraction, agricultural ‘development’ of surrounding areas, permanent disturbance by a sports airport). However, as the situation in the rest of Switzerland is even worse, the area is still worthy of mention. It consists of the aforementioned fen, a natural riparian strip with some alluvial forest and a few hectares of extensively farmed fields. In addition, part of the lake area of Lake Zurich can be seen.
Although the Maçarico-real is extinct as a breeding bird here, as everywhere else in Switzerland, it visits the area almost all year round as a guest. The formerly common Abibe-comum still breeds sparsely. The Cartaxo-nortenho might still be a breeding bird. Rouxinol-grande-dos-caniços, Felosa-malhada, Andorinha-do-mar-comum on a breeding raft, Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca, Trigueirão, Ganso-comum, Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo, and Codorniz still breed here.
However, by far the largest number of the almost 300 species observed here are migratory birds that rest in the area in spring and especially autumn, including (occasionally to regularly) calhandrinha, Sombria, Maçarico-de-bico-direito, Maçarico-galego, Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis, Falcão-de-pés-vermelhos, Petinha-de-garganta-ruiva, Borrelho-grande-de-coleira, Tundra Bean Goose, Fuselo, Pássaro-bique-bique, Bútio-vespeiro, Poupa, Tartaranhão-caçador, and Coruja-do-nabal (the latter more frequently in winter in the last years).
Common winter visitors include Picanço-grande, Pato-fusco, and Garça-branca-grande.
The exceptional occurrences recorded here include Pilrito-canela, Gaivina-de-bico-preto, Gaivina-de-faces-brancas, Pilrito-escuro, Búteo-calçado, Flamingo-comum, Moleiro-parasítico, Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida, Felosa-aquática, Alcaravão, Batuirucu, Alvéola-citrina, Franga-d'água-pequena, and Sisão.
The best way to get to Nuoler Ried is by bus (525 to Nuolen, Kirche). The area can be explored on foot on two paths: The first is the yellow signposted hiking trail in the direction of Wangen-Lachen Airport, which is also frequently used as a cycle path and by dogwalkers. The second leads to a wild swimming area (‘Buebenbadi’). The path and bathing beach are right next to the core area of the moor, where reed and meadow birds particularly prone to disturbance are breeding. Despite the efforts of nature conservation organisations, both are open to the public and should only be used with the utmost care.
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