
Södra Utmossen

Öland  >  Sweden

This bog is located at the edge of both Mittlandsskogen and the great alvar of Öland. Giving the possibility of finding birds from all three habitats.

Adicionado* por Damon Groot
Ultima atualização 17 janeiro 2022


The great variety of habitats in and around the bog of Södra Utmossen host a wide variety of birds. In spring species like Marreco and Pato-trombeteiro breed here. While during a summer night Noitibó da Europa, Franga-d'água-grande and Codorniz can be heard. Even during winter you have a change at finding interesting species like Picanço-grande and Perdiz-cinzenta. Torcicolo, Toutinegra-gavião and Ógea can also be found here.

Two platforms can be found here overlooking the bog. The northern platform was build recently.



The bog is located only 10 km south-east of Färjestaden. From Torslunda you drive through Kalkstad. There is a parking lot especially for visitors to the bog located in a small vilage along the road. From the parking lot you walk south through a horse pasture to arrive at the platforms.

Terreno e Habitat

Terras húmidas , Floresta , Camas de junco , Árvores e arbustos dispersos



Caminho circular


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Verão , Primavera

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Verão , Migração da primavera , Primavera


Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho largo , Caminho estreito

Caminho dificil


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