

Hälsingland  >  Sweden

Ålsjön is a lake where more than 200 species of birds have been recorded and it happens that more than 100 species have been observed in one and the same day.

Adicionado* por Johan Gotting
Ultima atualização 6 março 2023


Ålsjön is an important bird lake. Around 60 different bird species regularly nest here. Among these are noticeable Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis, peneireiro-de-dorso-malhado / peneireiro, Mergulhão-de-pescoço-castanho, Zarro-comum, Frango-d'água, Franga-d'água-grande, Pato-trombeteiro, Guincho-comum, Chapim-de-bigode, Coruja-do-nabal and Coruja-gavião. Águia-pesqueira often hunts over the open water surfaces. In spring and autumn, Ålsjön is also an important resting place for waders and ducks, including Merganso-pequeno and Combatente.

Ålsjön is located in a flat valley surrounded by farmland, bogs and marshes. It is a nutrient-rich lake that has been stagnant under strong overgrowth. Since the late 20th century, restoration efforts have been underway to preserve the lake's open space. The work with reed control and creation of open water surfaces has meant that Ålsjön has begun to regain its former glory in recent years.



There are several ways to experience Ålsjön. The easiest way is to park the car at the large parking lot by the E4. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the parking you can easily reach the western side of the lake where there is also a bird hide. Along the path, which is wheelchair accessible, there are several observation points.

When you reach the stream that goes under the E4, the path splits. Here's a good place to try and spot Alvéola-cinzenta. If you continue straight ahead, you pass a section of deciduous and coniferous forest before reaching the bird observation tower on the south side of the lake (a distance of about 2 km from the parking to this southern bird tower). If you choose to go to the right, you have to get through the large culvert that leads the water under the E4 to shortly afterwards reach the bird tower with a view of Ålsjömaden. In the spring, when the area is flooded, there are good opportunities to see migrating waders and ducks.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Terras húmidas , Lago , Agricultura , Camas de junco


Paisagem aberta

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?

Pode ser útil

Boa temporada de observação de aves

Durante todo o ano

Melhor hora para visitar

Primavera , Migração da primavera , Outono


Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho largo , Caminho estreito

Caminho dificil


Acessível por

Pé , Cadeira de rodas

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


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