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Port de Silla

Valencia  >  Spain

Small harbour for small boats surrounded by wet rice fields and wetlands with many water birds. Furthermore a wide sandy road with a view of the wetlands.

Adicionado* por Nart van Hout
Ultima atualização 12 dezembro 2024
Este lugar para observação de aves ainda não foi avaliado. Seja o primeiro a avaliar a área com 1 a 5 estrelas


Port de Silla is located in Parc Natural de l'Albufera. Vast rice fields surround the Albufera and attract many birds. This place is special in this because of this very picturesque harbour with historic sailing boats and the possibility in the summer to explore the Albufera by canoe. Birds you can observe include Íbis-preta, Garca-vaqueira, Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas, Garça-real, Garça-branca-pequena, peneireiro-de-dorso-malhado / peneireiro, Colhereiro and Garça-branca-grande.

Also take the dirt road from the harbour south for views over the Albufera. The entire area of ​​the Albufera is crisscrossed by narrow agricultural roads, paths along narrow canals and over dikes along the rice fields. These can be closed due to high water.



Port de Silla is located east of the town of Silla, which is just south of Valencia. From Valencia take the V31 to the CV4008 and the Cami del Port to Port de Silla, where you can park at the small harbour. Press P on the map for directions.

Terreno e Habitat

Terras húmidas , Planice , Camas de junco , Agricultura , Lago


Plano , Arenoso , Pantanoso , Sem sombra , Paisagem aberta , Possível na maré cheia

Caminho circular


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Caminho estreito , Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho largo

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Carro

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


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