
Montaña Roja and Charca del Médano

Tenerife  >  Spain

Coastal area comprised of beaches, bays and a lagoon at the foot of an imposing volcanic cone covered with reddish lava.

Adicionado* por Team Birdingplaces
Ultima atualização 25 outubro 2023


Montaña Roja Nature Reserve not only includes the 'Red Mountain', but also the surrounding wilderness of 166 hectares. The area has strangely shaped rocks, humid areas with puddles, tidal pools, sandy beaches and bays and the bare volcano covered with reddish lava and decorated with tabaiba plants. This is an excellent location for watching sea birds, shorebirds and migratory birds. You can walk along the beach or climb to the top of the volcano for great views. On the eastern side of the area the lagoon of Charca del Médano (see star on the map) is the hotspot of the area and the best place in the reserve for shorebirds. You can't enter the lagoon, please respect this and keep your distance so as not to disturb the birds.

Among the birds you can encounter in Montaña Roja Nature Reserve are Maçarico-galego, Borrelho-grande-de-coleira, Pilrito-sanderlingo, Tarambola-cinzenta, Maçarico-das-rochas, Rola-do-mar, Picanço-grande, Corre-caminho and Bobo-grande.



At the beach of La Tejita is a big parking. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the parking you can explore the area on foot. Good idea to wear sturdy shoes because of the rocky paths. The circular walk indicated on the map is 5,5 km and includes the climb to the top of the volcano.

Terreno e Habitat

Montanha , Praia , Lamaçais , Mar , Lago


Possível na maré cheia , Paisagem aberta , Rochoso , Arenoso

Caminho circular


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