
Cazalla - Tarifa - Migration Watchpoint

Cadiz Province  >  Spain

A key raptor watchpoint on the Strait of Gibraltar. 35-40 million birds migrate over this point every year.

Adicionado* por John Cantelo
Ultima atualização 19 janeiro 2023


It has been estimated that 35-40 million birds migrate over the straits every year. Daily totals vary enormously depending on both local and more distant factors but can be staggering exceptionally involving 10,000+ Cegonha-branca and more than twice as many Milhafre-preto and Bútio-vespeiro! In easterly winds this is the go to site to witness the mass migration of raptors and storks. In spring the main raptor passage extends from February to early May whilst Autumn passage mainly runs from late August until October although raptors may still be present outside this period. Larger numbers pass through in autumn when exceptional numbers generally follow a period of adverse conditions locally or further north in Spain. Each species has its own period of migration which for the most frequent species this can be sumarised as follows

Cegonha-branca – Spring Feb-April (peaks early March): Autumn July – Sept (peak late August) Cegonha-preta – Spring Feb-April (peak late March): Autumn Sept-Oct (p eak late Sept) Bútio-vespeiro: Spring Late April – May (peak Early May); Autumn August-Sept (peak Early Sept) Milhafre-preto: Spring Feb - April (peak March); Autumn July – Sept (peak early August) Abutre do Egipto : Spring Feb – May (peak late March); Autumn Aug – Sept (peak early Sept) Grifo-comum : Spring Feb – June (peak early May); Autumn – Sept – Oct (peak early Nov) Águia-cobreira : Spring Feb – May (peak early March); Autumn – Sept – Oct (peak late Sept) Águia-calçada : Spring March – May (peak late March); Autumn – Sept – Oct (peak late Sept) Tartaranhão-caçador : Spring April- May (peak early April); Autumn – Aug – Sept (peak late August).

Less frequent but regular species, include rare and scarce birds such as Atlas Long-legged Buzzard, Grifo de Rüppell, Alfaneque and Falcão-da-rainha.



Access is only posssible when arriving from the direction of Algeciras. Those driving from Tarifa will need to continue for several kilometers towards Algeciras before finding a safe place to reverse direction.

Terreno e Habitat

Árvores e arbustos dispersos


Montanhoso , Paisagem aberta

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?


Boa temporada de observação de aves

Primavera , Outono

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono


Estrada pavimentada

Caminho dificil


Acessível por

Pé , Cadeira de rodas

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

Bring a folding chair and plenty of water. At peak times parking can be difficult. Best times for mass migration of birds tends to be from c10.00 - 12.00 and again in mid/late afternoon.

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