
Barbate Estuary

Cadiz  >  Spain

Large parts of the Barbate estuary are now given over to fish farming but much remains as a haven for wildlife, particularly waders & gulls.

Adicionado* por John Cantelo
Ultima atualização 11 novembro 2024


Barbate Estuary (Esteros de la Isleta de San Fransico). Although far smaller and with fewer birds than nearby Cadiz Bay, the better access here and it's proximity to the popular birding locations around Tarifa make it a good option for visiting birders. It is a good site for waders such as Borrelho-de-coleira-interrompida, Pernilongo, Pilrito-comum, Pilrito-de-bico-comprido, Pilrito-sanderlingo and other migrant waders. Perdiz-do-mar often hawk over the area in spring and summer. Flamingo-comum are present in good numbers. Careful scanning of the dry islands usually produces a Alcaravão or two. Gaivota-de-patas-amarelas are common and good numbers of Gaivota de Audouin are usually present plus a few Gaivota-de-cabeça-preta. Gaivina-de-bico-vermelho is regular and Gaivina-de-bico-laranja are sometimes seen. During passage the clumps of scrub along the track often hold migrants such as Papa-moscas-cinzento , Papa-moscas-preto , Rabirruivo-de-testa-branca and Toutinegra-carrasqueira. Check for Petinha-dos-campos, alvéola-amarela and calhandrinha ( calhandrinha-das-marismas are also sometimes reported). Check from the beach for Ganso-patola, Garajau-comum and shearwaters. The main channel of the estuary is also good for terns and gulls



Parking off the A 2231 Bonanza - Zahara road is straightforward but alternatively take the track to park at the start of the footpath. Alternatively you can drive further along the track for c1 km to check the bushes and scrub. The best option is to take the footpath into the old salinas and then loop round back along the track although you can also take the track running parallel to the main road.

Terreno e Habitat

Lamaçais , Rio , Mar , Árvores e arbustos dispersos


Plano , Paisagem aberta

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?


Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono


Caminho estreito , Estrada não pavimentada

Caminho dificil


Acessível por

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

Be warned that there have been some problems regarding theft from cars at this site so take all the usual precations.

There is also an exciting project for which funding has already bee allocated to develop the grassy fields and marshes just north of Barbate to create a series of pools and hides for birdwatching. Check locally for developments.


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