
Wysokie Hill

Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Województwo Podkarpackie)  >  Poland

Highest barren-top hill in the area, close to Długie, Nowosielce and Pielnia villages. Good point for long-distance observations, especially during migration.

Adicionado* por Hoid
Ultima atualização 16 dezembro 2024


Wysokie Hill is easy-to-see, it is the highest point in the area. Barren at the top, covered mostly by meadows from SW and NE, by larch forest culture from SE and mixed shrubbery with trees from NW.

The meadows are nesting places of Laverca and Escrevedeira-amarela. Larch forest edges have great concentrations of singing Felosa-musical and Petinha-das-árvores. Shrubbery from NW is home to Rola-comum, Toutinegra-gavião, Papa-amoras-comum, papa-amoras-cinzento and Ferreirinha-comum. Sometimes the area gets visited by Pica-pau-de-dorso-branco.

Many birds of prey can be seen regularly hunting in areas below: Águia-pomarina, ​​​ Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis, Tartaranhão-caçador, Gavião da Europa, Águia-d'asa-redonda, peneireiro-de-dorso-malhado / peneireiro and during winter also Tartaranhão-azulado and Búteo-calçado.

There is a chance to see some other species during migration, i.e.: Bútio-vespeiro, Falcão-de-pés-vermelhos and falcão-peregrino.

Other common species: Cuco-canoro, Cegonha-branca, Pica-pau-malhado-grande, Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo, Picanço-grande, Gaio-comum, Corvo, Chapim-preto, Chapim-palustre, chapim-montês , Felosa-malhada, Andorinha-das-chaminés, Chapim-rabilongo, Toutinegra-de-barrette-preto, Estrelinha-de-poupa, Trepadeira-do-bosque, Tordo-zornal, Cartaxo-nortenho, Cartaxo-comum, Bico-grossudo, Pintarroxo-comum, Pintassilgo.



Accessible from Nowosielce and Pielnia villages - by foot/bike/car/etc. Public transport to these villages limited to buses from Sanok or Krosno. Best to explore by foot, eventually by bike or 4x4 vehicle (not advised and may be problematic). Best to leave larger vehicles somewhere in a village and enjoy the trail by-foot. Field roads are rather dry and don't require rain boots.

Terreno e Habitat

Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Floresta , Campina , Planalto , Vale , Planice , Agricultura


Montanhoso , Seco , Paisagem aberta , Poeirento

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?

Pode ser útil

Boa temporada de observação de aves

Durante todo o ano

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono , Verão , Primavera


Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho largo , Caminho estreito

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

There aren't really any species here that'd require audio stimulation to show up. Please, avoid doing so. Different birds of prey can be seen during different parts of the day (usually smaller species in the morning and afternoon, larger show up when air is warm enough to soar).​​​​​​

Hazards: ticks, deep snow (winter). Keep in mind presence of other people (hunters, off-road enthusiasts, deltatrike/plane enthusiasts, wanderers), especially during weekends it can get quite busy.

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