

Limburg  >  Netherlands

The Vijlenerbos is a 650-hectare forest and nature reserve near the town of Vijlen. A nice area for walking and rich in forest birds.

Adicionado* por B.C.M.Custers
Ultima atualização 11 junho 2020


The Vijlenerbos is a forest area that extends over a length of about 8 km between Epen and the Drielandenpunt near Vaals. The forest borders Belgium for about 5 km and Germany for about 1 km. The forests consist of a quarter of coniferous forest and the rest of deciduous forest. Pica-pau-mediano lives in the areas with older oak trees. Estrelinha-de-cabeça-listada is bound to medium to old coniferous forests. Cruza-bico-comum and Lugre breed regularly in these forests, as is Bico-grossudo. In the open oak-birch forests, Felosa-assobiadeira is a regular guest. Pica-pau-malhado-pequeno, Chapim-palustre, Trepadeira-azul and Pica-pau-malhado-grande live in the old, varied parts of the deciduous forest. An inconspicuous species is the Galinhola. Among the birds of prey, Bútio-vespeiro, Açor and Gavião da Europa can be found in the Vijlenerbos. Occasionally Ógea breeds in the area. Coruja-do-mato is a common species in the forest. Cuco-canoro and Papa-figos also occur in low numbers. On the edges sometimes Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo can be seen.



Well-known starting points for a walk through the Vijlenerbos are the parking lot at the forest cafe Het Hijgende Hert (see the P on the map) and the parking lot Zevenwegen. Or the Groeneweg Vijlen. There are many trails you can walk. The route shown on the map is 10,5 km. It's divided in two loops of 5 km. But there are countless other possibilities for hiking.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Campina


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