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Youngest part of Amsterdamse Bos (Amsterdam Forest), an open terrain with bushes, grass and water. Near Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam.
The Schinkelbos is the youngest part of Amsterdamse Bos. It consists of rugged, fairly open terrain with occasional impenetrable scrub, lots of reeds, puddles of water. In this less known and less accessible part of the Amsterdamse Bos are many and sometimes special birds that can rest, forage and breed here. For example, there may be Melro-de-peito-branco during spring migration. The Pisco-de-peito-azul is a breeding bird in the reeds, just like the rouxinol-dos-caniços and the Felosa-dos-juncos. Sometimes you hear a Felosa-malhada or a Felosa-unicolor, and the Chapim-de-bigode also show up occasionally. There is a nice collection of waterfowl in the area, including Zarro-comum, Pato-trombeteiro and Mergulhão-pequeno, sometimes you hear a Frango-d'água or even a Abetouro-comum, and Narceja-comum and other waders are also possible. Also chance on Gavião da Europa, papa-amoras-cinzento and Narceja-galega.
Easy to reach. Parking spot at the entrance.
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