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Nice birdrich walk between the edge of the dunes of Texel and a golf course.
The Hanenplas is less known than many other great bird watching spots on Texel. Still, this walk along the golf course and crossing a wet plain bordering the dunes is more than worth it. Not only because it is a nice circular walk, but also because you have a good chance to see Melro-de-peito-branco during bird migration. Moreover, the number of Laverca in the open field is in old-fashioned densities, and surprises can always pop up in the reed ditch at the edge of the golf course.
Nederlands: Mooie wandeling langs de rand van de duinen van Texel. Van de vele geweldige vogelkijkplekken op Texel is de Hanenplas wat minder bekend. Toch is deze wandeling langs de golfbaan en en over de vlakte die grenst aan de Hanenplas en de duinen, de moeite waard. Niet alleen omdat het een mooie rondwandeling is, maar ook omdat er in de vogeltrektijd vaak beflijsters te zien zijn. Bovendien is het aantal veldleeuweriken in het open veld voor de duinen in ouderwetse dichtheden, zijn er rondom de Hanenplas altijd interessante vogels te zien en kunnen er in de rietsloot aan de rand van de golfbaan altijd verrassingen opduiken.
You can start this 6 km circular walk at various places. Can also be combined with a walk through De Slufter. Note: A small part of the walk is on the cycle path along the busy Postweg, but this is the only way you can make a circular walk here.
Nederlands: Je kunt deze rondwandeling van 6 km op verschillende plekken beginnen. Eventueel ook te combineren met een wandeling door De Slufter. Let op: Een klein gedeelte van de wandeling gaat over het fietspad langs de drukke Postweg, maar dit is de enige manier waarop je hier een rondwandeling kunt maken.
Texel is one of the best bird watching destinations in the Netherlands. Bird watchers from all over Europe come to this Wadden Sea island to watch birds. Rare birds and vagrants are often seen on Texel and interesting birds can be observed all year round. Klaas de Jong - one of the most reputed bird guides in the Netherlands - lives on Texel and knows the island as no other. Klaas offers full day or half day birding tours. Klaas shows you countless bird species and always searches for the most recent rarities on the island.
One of the great services Klaas provides, is the pick-up-service. His minibus can pick you up at your hotel or at the ferry port. A very convenient service if you only have a day to explore the island. Directly from the ferry you you can start off and from there Klaas takes you to the best birding areas of the island.
For more information about Klaas' bird tours, times and prices visit his website.
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