
Plemont Headland and Cliff Path

St Ouen  >  Jersey

A nice section of coastal cliff path and restored headland. Best spot for viewing Papagaio-do-mar in the summer months.

Adicionado* por Edward Bell
Ultima atualização 11 dezembro 2023
Este lugar para observação de aves ainda não foi avaliado. Seja o primeiro a avaliar a área com 1 a 5 estrelas


The cliffpaths are part of a network that rings most of the Island and it is possible to walk from East to West in a day along them. The habitat is heath and gorse and has undergone restoration by the National Trust with a view to encouraging more bird life and also to allow the re-introduction of the Gralha-de-bico-vermelho which is now flying free in the island after a 100 year absence.

The main reason to visit though is in summer Plemont Headland provides the best opportunity to see the remaining breeding pairs of Papagaio-do-mar (3 pairs 2022) as well as Fulmar-glacial and usually Torda-mergulheira rafting offshore. The Papagaio-do-mar numbers have crashed in Jersey but efforts are underway to prevent their disappearance from the island and to hopefully recover them.

If you have been to a colony in the UK or Europe this will not be the same but its a beautiful corner of the Island. The headland is popular with peneireiro-de-dorso-malhado / peneireiro and in migration a good spot for vagrants such as Chasco-cinzento and in some years Escrevedeira-das-neves.



Access by car - just follow directions and signs for St Ouen and then Plemont from town, it'll be a 25 min drive. There is plenty of parking available, public toilets are located next to the Cafe further down the hill to the bay. The number 8 Bus will get you there from town as well.

The headland is close cropped heath and grassland but the cliff paths can be narrow, steep with a drop and there are steps so be prepared and only head out onto the cliff paths if able.

Terreno e Habitat

Zonas húmidas , Desfiladeiro/precipício , Mar


Montanhoso , Rochoso , Paisagem aberta , Sem sombra

Caminho circular


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Informação extra

While no birds are ever guaranteed this is a nice walk on a summers day and sure to turn up something.


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