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The Tavello is an interesting area along the river Brenta, nearby Limena, 15 minutes (by car) from the city of Padua.
In Area naturalistica del Tavello the river bed forms a complex system on meanders, giving birth to a little biodiversity hotspot. .
You can see all year long water birds like Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas , Corvo-marinho-pigmeu , Pato-real , Cisne-vulgar , Galinha-d'água and herons (almost every italian species during migrations), and, especially during migratory season, other species of ducks, like Pato-trombeteiro , Marrequinha-comum , Marreco , Zarro-castanho , grebes, rails like Galeirão-comum , Frango-d'água , gulls: Gaivota-de-patas-amarelas , Guincho-comum , Gaivota-de-cabeça-preta and waders, for example: Pássaro-bique-bique , Maçarico-bastardo , Maçarico-das-rochas , Perna-verde-comum , Combatente , Borrelho-pequeno-de-coleira , Narceja-comum .The best period to see waders and sometimes Andorinha-do-mar-comum and Gaivina-de-bico-preto is probably around july, when they are migrating and the level of the river is pretty low and the meander bars create some little shores.
In the little lowland forest, often partially or mostly flooded almost in a "mangroves style", and in the many bushes around, you can see always see and hear Pica-pau-malhado-grande , Pica-pau-verde and sometimes even Pica-pau-preto , water birds ,Gavião da Europa , Pombo-torcaz and many passerines. For example during migration: Papa-moscas-preto , Felosa-musical , Felosa-assobiadeira , Rouxinol-comum , Felosa-das-figueiras , Papa-amoras-comum , Papa-moscas-cinzento , Tordo-comum and many more. The rid bed is almost non-existent, apart from some little spots, but you can see Felosa-palustre , and I once I even found a Abetouro-comum resting there!
In the summer are present Cuco-canoro , Rola-comum , Papa-figos , and raptors like Bútio-vespeiro and Ógea .
It's good to check the cultivated fields that surround the area, you can also cross them in certain points (beware to not step on the crops). Here come to feed gulls, herons, Abibe-comum and passerines like crows, alvéola-branca , alvéola-amarela , Petinha-ribeirinha . Some of the fields are also crossed by a series of country edges, where you can see Picanço-grande (winter), Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo , Felosa-poliglota (mid/late spring and late summer).
You can also see amphibians, like Rana letestei, Hyla intermedia, Pelophylax esculentus, and reptiles: Trachemys scripta, Natrix natrix, Hierophis viridiflavus, Lacerta bilineata, Podarcis muralis.
There are mammals like hares, roe deers...
Italiano: Il Tavello è una zona golenale del fiume Brenta alle porte di Limena, in Provincia di Padova, che per la sua importanza e delicatezza è stato proclamato SIC (Sito di Interesse Comunitario “Grave e Zone Umide del Brenta” n° IT3260018). È stato inoltre considerato nell’ambito dell’istituzione di un Parco Regionale (art. 33 del P.T.C.R. “Parco Medio Corso del Brenta”), è inserito negli Ambiti Naturalistici di Interesse Regionale (P.T.R.C. art. 19) e nella “Rete Natura 2000”. Infine è classificato ZPS (Zona di Protezione Speciale) in diverse Direttive Europee.
You can explore the zone walking or by mountain bike, the area of biggest interest is about 20 minutes from the parking by foot. Once there you can watch the oxbows of the river, the trees and the fields from the different trail, with the main one elevated from the rest of the plain. Beware that some of the little patches near the river may be flooded if it's a rainy period. I don't think it's possible to axcess by wheel chair, exept from the area near the parking (Parco di Punta Speron) where sometimes you still can do some pretty cool observation sometimes. For example here it's possible to see Maçarico-das-rochas , wagtails, swallows, in winter even Melro-d'água .
You can also go and visit the Villa Pacchierotti De Benedetti, keeping an eye on the tree lines and the small pond near the road.
Italiano: Puoi esplorare la zona a piedi o in bicicletta. Dall'argine si ha una buona visuale sulla zona, vari sentierini lungo il fiume e tra i campi. Fare clic sulla P nella mappa per ottenere le indicazioni stradali.
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