
Riserva Naturale Statale Gola del Furlo

Marche  >  Italy

Reserve established in 2001 with imposing rock walls of the Furlo Gorge and many different habitats and birds.

Adicionado* por Maurizio Saltarelli
Ultima atualização 30 agosto 2022


Riserva Naturale Statale Gola del Furlo is crossed by the Candigliano river that creeps between the imposing rock walls of the Furlo Gorge. A pair of Águia-real and falcão-peregrino nest here on the walls of Mount Paganuccio. On and around the river you can find numerous gulls, but also birds like Guarda-rios-comum, Garça-real, Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas, Galinha-d'água, Socó-taquari and Garça-branca-pequena. The Andorinhão-real finds in the gorge one of the few breeding sites of the entire Marche region. To be investigated in winter is the presence of Trepadeira-dos-muros. Also in winter, the presence of Ferreirinha-alpina is possible. The summit meadows see at the end of summer sometimes Borrelho-ruivo. But the summit grasslands and the woods hold also many other birds. See the birdlist below.


Italiano: Riserva istituita nel 2001. Vi nidificano una coppia di aquile reali e falchi pellellegrini presenza di numerosi ardeidi sul fiume Candigliano. Posto storico per la presenza delle aquile.



By car from Fano: Provincial road Fano-Grosseto in the direction of Fossombrone; past Fossombrone continue to Rome and take the Furlo-Calmazzo exit; continue on the Flaminia road for about 6 km (cross the Furlo Gorge by car); alternatively take the Furlo exit (after the tunnel of about 3.5 km), continue on the Flaminia Road following the signs to Furlo for about 1.5 km. By car from Gubbio: Provincial Road Fano-Grosseto in the direction of Fano; past Cagli take the first Furlo exit and continue on the Flaminia Road following the signs to Furlo for about 2 km.

You can do many walks here. On the map you see the 5 km trail (one way) trail to the viewpoint. In het visitor center you can get more info on other walks and also guided walks along the river.


Italiano: In auto da Fano: Strada provinciale Fano-Grosseto in direzione Fossombrone; superata Fossombrone proseguire per Roma e prendere l’uscita Furlo-Calmazzo; proseguire sulla strada Flaminia per circa 6 km (si attraversa in auto la Gola del Furlo); in alternativa prendere l’uscita Furlo (dopo la galleria di circa 3,5 km), proseguire sulla Strada Flaminia seguendo le indicazioni per Furlo per circa 1,5 km. In auto da Gubbio: Strada provinciale Fano-Grosseto in direzione Fano; superata Cagli prendere la prima uscita Furlo e proseguire sulla Strada Flaminia seguendo le indicazioni per Furlo per circa 2 km.

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