
Sheskinmore Lough

Donegal  >  Ireland

Shallow lake located at the heart of a network of wetland, reedbed, grasslands and dunes. Rich in flowers and birds.

Adicionado* por John Morecroft
Ultima atualização 25 outubro 2023


The Sheskinmore Lough reserve is part of a large, shallow freshwater coastal lagoon set in flat sandy grasslands. It is rich in wild flowers, insects and birds. To date at least 117 bird species have been recorded. Sheskinmore is renowned for its wintering Greenland Ganso-grande-de-testa-branca and breeding Abibe-comum during the summer months. Of particular interest is the large number of Gralha-de-bico-vermelho that frequent the area throughout the year, especially in autumn and winter. This nationally important population, which nest elsewhere on the coast, feed and socialise within the site with over 100 birds counted on occasions.



Sheskinmore Lough Nature Reserve is situated on the west coast of Donegal, just north of Ardara. Parking is available at the National Parks and Wildlife Service McGlinchey’s Field Centre or Mullyvea, opposite Kiltooris Lough. There are marked walking trails between each entrance that offer good views over the whole area. Please keep to these trails to avoid disturbance to the wildlife. Some of the land that the trails cross is privately-owned, so please be careful to close all gates and not to climb over fences or walls. Please keep dogs on a lead. Information boards are provided at the entrance gates. An observation hide overlooking the lough and grasslands is a short walk from the National Parks and Wildlife Service McGlinchey’s Field Centre.

Terreno e Habitat

Terras húmidas , Campina , Camas de junco


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Photo by Limnoporus, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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