

Eastern Frisia  >  Germany

The island of Juist has a mosaic of habitats. The short distances makes for spectacular birding all year round. Excellent winter birding, too.

Adicionado* por Nadja
Ultima atualização 2 fevereiro 2023


Often overlooked, the lovable little island of Juist is a heaven for birdwatchers. It is easy to travel on foot or by bicycle and a variety of different habitats are nested in a small space. Mudflats, salt marshes, meadows, reedbeds, sandy beaches and a shallow fresh water lake alternate with woodland and rural habitats. Expect the unexpected!

Charismatic breedig birds include Colhereiro, Coruja-do-nabal, Tartaranhão-azulado and Borrelho-grande-de-coleira. Regular winter visitors include Merganso-pequeno, Pato-preto and Escrevedeira-das-neves. In winter, watch the spectacle of tens of thousands of waders roosting during high tide including Tarambola-cinzenta, Tarambola-dourada, Maçarico-real, Perna-vermelha-comum, Pilrito-sanderlingo, Pilrito-comum, Fuselo, Seixoeira. Hundreds of ducks flock on the small fresh water lake and are really easy to observe from November through February include Zarro-comum, Zarro-negrinha, Marrequinha-comum, Pato-trombeteiro, Pato-olho-d'ouro, Pato-branco, Piadeira and Arrabio.



Park at the "Inselparker" spots or take the train to Norddeich Mole and take a ferry, express ferry or a short flight to the island of Juist. On the island rent a bicycle from the many bike rentals to get around. Check the ferry/flight schedules regularly, as they change seasonally and due to weather conditions cancellations can happen especially in winter.

Terreno e Habitat

Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Campina , Mar , Dunas , Camas de junco , Lamaçais , Praia , Lago , Terras húmidas


Plano , Arenoso , Pantanoso , Sem sombra , Possível na maré cheia , Paisagem aberta

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?


Boa temporada de observação de aves

Durante todo o ano , Inverno

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono , Inverno , Primavera


Estrada pavimentada , Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho estreito , Caminho largo

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta

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