
Grunewald - Krumme Lanke & Schlachtensee

Berlin  >  Germany

The south east part of the Grunewald is easily accessible and a nice place for those birders who do not wish to leave town.

Adicionado* por Steven Schulting
Ultima atualização 23 julho 2023


With its lakes, forests and woodland swamps this area of the Grunewald is good for birds and people alike. It can get crowded around the lakes, especially in summer and weekends as it is a favorite destination for Berliners who seek some city nature, walk their dog or going for a swim. The good thing is that most of the birds are used to people and therefore not so quickly alarmed. Especially a good sight to get a close look / nice shot of the Rouxinol-grande-dos-caniços . Every year in May the males arrive and seek a territory in the old reed beds around the lakes (esp. Krumme Lanke). Their song is unmistakable, and it won't take you long to spot one. Look at the reedbeds or the branches overhanging the reed. The breeding reed warblers also attract Cuco-canoro.

Berlin has one of the largest feral populations of Pato-mandarim in continental Europe and within Berlin, Krumme Lanke is a reliable site for seeing these colorfull ducks.

If you are a birder visiting Berlin from abroad and are looking for a place in town to quickly score the most common species in one go, this is a good site as it's got lakes, forest and swampy areas . In winter there are almost always Zarro-negrinha. Zarro-comum are mostly on the adjacent Schlachtensee. There is a high chance on Chapim-rabilongo, Chapim-palustre, Chapim-de-poupa and Estrelinha-de-poupa. In addition to the Pica-pau-malhado-grande that you almost can't miss here, there is a good chance on Pica-pau-mediano, Pica-pau-malhado-pequenoand Pica-pau-preto, as well as Açor and Águia-d'asa-redonda. With some luck and in the right season one can find finches like Bico-grossudo , Dom-fafe Verdilhão-comum , Tentilhão-comum, Pintassilgoand other songbids like Felosa-comum, Rouxinol-comum, Toutinegra-de-barrette-preto, Lugre, Tentilhão-montês, Tordo-zornal and Tordo-ruivo-comum.

On quiet moments the Guarda-rios-comum can be found here, but a better spot and worth a little detour is the nearby "Waldsee". A tiny lake or rather large pond in the residential area bordering Krumme Lanke with a small protected island, is home to breeding Guarda-rios-comum. The pond is full with fish and due to waterplants it is not good fishing grounds for grebes, cormorants or the usual suspects. Even the heron has difficulty getting to the fish here, and it really takes a specialist fisher to reap the fruits de mer. The pond is surrounded by private plots, so the only place to see the lake is from the little bridge that cuts across in the middle. Luckily this is where the Guarda-rios-comum often sits nearby in the branches overhanging the pond. The water does freeze over often in winter, so the Guarda-rios-comum leave and return in spring.



Public transit connections are good as bus, S-bahn and U-bahn all stop here. There are also public parking spaces but they can get crowded in summer weekends.

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