
Orpierre - Quiquillon trail

Haute-Alpes  >  France

The village of Orpierre is famous for it's cliffs that rise up behind it. This short trail brings you to the middle of these cliffs.

Adicionado* por Thierry Martin
Ultima atualização 24 outubro 2023


Behind the church of Orpierre starts the 'Botanical trail'. Next to a small stream the trail leads you through a wooded area and after you cross a small bridge, you come into the open and face the rock walls that surround the village. The name of the trail then changes into Quiquillon trail and it becomes less easy to walk. From a certain point you are only allowed further if you wear a climbing helmet. So I advise you to not go further. No problem, because it is not necesarry. From the end of the route on the map (see below) you have the view you need to see all the birds here.

The trail starts at the cemetary. Look for Alvéola-cinzenta along the stream at this point. They breed here. The botanical trail starts from this point. It's lush and green and especially in spring it's full of songbirds. Toutinegra-de-barrette-preto are everywhere. Further on the track you enter the open rocky area and have a great view on the village and the cliffs. You can see Androinha-das-rochas and Pombo-doméstico nesting on the cliffs. If you arrive early you have a good chance of seeing Perdiz-comum. Other birds you can see here are Cia, Rabirruivo-preto, Tentilhão-comum, Águia-cobreira and peneireiro-de-dorso-malhado / peneireiro.

Rare birds that sometimes can be seen here are Grifo-comum, Abutre do Egipto, Águia-real and Melro-das-rochas.



You can park your car in the village of Orpierre. Best place is next to the cemetary (See the P on the map). From there you are directly at the beginning of the trail and walk from there.

Terreno e Habitat

Montanha , Desfiladeiro/precipício


Montanhoso , Rochoso

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?


Boa temporada de observação de aves

Primavera , Outono , Verão

Melhor hora para visitar



Caminho estreito

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

This is an area of rock climbers, so beware it can get busy on this trail later on the day. And because of the rocky second part of the trail, it's a good idea to wear walking boots.

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