

Rhône-Alpes  >  France

A small village on the top of the hills with impressive views all around. Here lives Androinha-das-rochas, Cotovia-pequena, and other passerines and raptors.

Adicionado* por Martineau
Ultima atualização 12 fevereiro 2020
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A mountainous place around 1000 m high and and a very charming and very ancient village with lots of paths, stone walls and gardens where passerines are easy to see, and raptors really numerous. Here fly Milhafre-real, Águia-cobreira or Tartaranhão-azulado, while passerines like Cotovia-pequena, Escrevedeira-amarela, Cruza-bico-comum or Estrelinha-de-poupa are nesting in the forest, meadows or rocky areas around. On the church is a small colony of Androinha-das-rochas, and the Rabirruivo-preto is nesting right in the church!



From The village of Saint-Bonnet-le-chateau, to the west, turn right on the signposted road and reach the village of Montarcher. A convenient car park is at the entry of the village, wich is surrounded by an easy path. Some other paths go into the forest and grassland around, where for exemple Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo can be easily found. The village can also be reached following the St Jacques de Compostelle trail.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Planalto , Cidade/Vila , Campina



Caminho circular


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Informação extra

Some rarity may be found, especialy in autumn and winter: Ferreirinha-alpina, Pardal-alpino.

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