
Ile de Sein

Bretagne  >  France

Isolated island of the continent, the island of Sein is, like a culmination point for vagrant birds between 2 continents.

Adicionado* por Martin de Lajudie
Ultima atualização 30 novembro 2023


The Île de Sein is a Breton island of less than two kilometers long in the Atlantic Ocean. The island is located eight kilometres from the mainland. It has only one village and a beautiful rocky coast. Due to its particular geographical location, it is a place of passage for all isolated and wandering birds which wander between 2 continents. Thus this tiny island is a hotspot for extreme vagrants from both east and west and recent records include Mariquita-de-flancos-castanhos, Mariquita-azul (Mariquita-de -colar) and Escrevedeira-ferruginea.


Français: Ile isolée du continent, l'Ile de Sein est, à l'image de celle d'Ouessant, un point d'aboutissement pour les oiseaux errants entre 2 continents. L'ile, par sa situation géographique particulière, est un lieu de passage pour tous les oiseaux isolés et errants qui vagabondent entre 2 continents. Ainsi il est possible d'y observer des espèces rares.



A ferry to reach the island is leaving from Sainte-Evette near Audierne all year round - the crossing takes about an hour. During July and August a ferry service also operates from Camaret. On the island itself you can walk or cycle.


Français: Accès par bateau uniquement. Un ferry pour atteindre l'île part de Sainte-Evette près d'Audierl toute l'année - la traversée prend environ une heure. En juillet et août, un service de ferry opère également à partir de Camaret. Circulation en vélo dans l'ile.

Terreno e Habitat

Mar , Zonas húmidas


Paisagem aberta , Rochoso

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?

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Boa temporada de observação de aves

Durante todo o ano

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono


Estrada pavimentada , Caminho largo

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta , Barco

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