
Lille Vildmose

Nordjylland  >  Denmark

One of Denmarks biggest and best nature areas. It is an iconic birding location, and home to a lot of different birds (and Moose!).

Adicionado* por Christine Skall Sørensen
Ultima atualização 12 março 2022


Lille Vildmose is the largest raised bog in Denmark and one of the best preserved lowland raised bogs in north-western Europe. It is situated between the Limfjord and Mariager Fjord and is bordered by the towns of Mou, Kongerslev and Øster Hurup. Lille Vildmose is absolutely stunning, and a lot of different birds visit throughout the year, many rare species can be found there. Grou-comum nest in the northern part of the bog, Maçarico-real on the raised bog, and in the forests, Águia-real and Águia-rabalva nest. The area also houses Bútio-vespeiro, Açor, Noitibó da Europa, Escrevedeira-dos-caniços and Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo. Other breeding birds around the lake are Corvo-marinho-de-faces-brancas, Tartaranhão-ruivo-dos-pauis, Ganso-comum and several species of duck. A little population of Chapim-de-bigode is found in the reedbeds.



Lille Vildmose lies to the west of the coast road (route 541) connecting Egense at the mouth of the Limfjord with Hadsund on the Mariager Fjord (via Als). It may be a good idea to take Birkesøvej, which leads west off the 541 south of Dokkedal, and follow it to the Lille Vildmose nature centre. Here one can obtain information about the area and also a leaflet with a useful map published by the Aage V. Jensens Fund. The centre is open every day between 10.00h and 16.00h from March/April until the schools' autumn holiday. In June, July and August it is open until 17.00h. The area is best explored by car and walking. Drive around in the area, watch animals up close by car, or walk around on some of the paths in the area and explore. Multiple paths are handicap friendly. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Terras húmidas , Lago , Zonas húmidas , Campina


Plano , Pantanoso , Paisagem aberta

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?

Pode ser útil

Boa temporada de observação de aves

Durante todo o ano

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono , Verão , Inverno , Primavera , Outono


Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho estreito , Estrada pavimentada

Caminho dificil

Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Bicicleta , Carro , Cadeira de rodas

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

Lille Vildmose has a fan Facebook group called "Vild med Lille Vildmose" (see link below), it is full of beautiful pictures of the area and lots of helpful people. Make sure to visit the watch towers, and grab a map. If you are up for it, visit at dawn, it is a wonderfull experience to wake up with the birds.


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