
Achna Reservoir

Amochostos  >  Cyprus

Shallow freshwater reservoir that attracts waders and waterbirds.

Adicionado* por Christoph Walorski
Ultima atualização 25 setembro 2024


Achna reservoir is an artificial lake with shallow, muddy areas that is partially surrounded by reeds. Water levels vary but as far as I know the lake never fully dries up. Waders and egrets like Perna-verde-comum, Perna-verde-fino, Garça-pequena, Íbis-preta and Papa-ratos concentrate on the western edge of the water, while birds like rouxinol-dos-caniços and Toutinegra-de-cabeça-preta frequent the reeds and bushes surrounding the lake. During migration, many raptors and cranes can be seen overhead.



Achna Reservoir is located directly east of the town of Achna. Either park at the Antelia Bee Park that is situated just north of the reservoir or near the Arkastis Event Venue in the southeast. Press a P on the map for directions.

Fishermen tracks run around the water's edge and can be used by birdwatchers. A circular walk around the lake is about 9 km.

Terreno e Habitat

Terras húmidas , Camas de junco , Lamaçais , Lago


Pantanoso , Plano

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?

Pode ser útil

Boa temporada de observação de aves

Primavera , Outono , Verão

Melhor hora para visitar

Migração da primavera , Migração de outono


Caminho estreito

Caminho dificil


Acessível por

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

I'm told that the area might not be that productive during the winter months, because there are too many fishermen using the lake during that time of the year who scare many birds away.

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