
Wanne - Logbierme

Luik  >  Belgium

This area from Wanne to Logbierme is a wonderful area with open fields and fir forests in the highest part of Belgium.

Adicionado* por Freek Lemmens
Ultima atualização 11 dezembro 2020


For bird watchers, this part of the Ardennes around Wanne - Logbierme is one of the best places to see typical Ardennes birds. Birds that are very rare in the Netherlands and Flanders are found here. The Quebra-nozes is truly a specialty of the area. This species is only found in the High Ardennes, in the vast spruce forests around Wanne and the Hoge Venen. Especially the forests east of the hamlet of Logbiermé are a good place to see this bird. Also for the very rare Mocho de Tengmalm, Wanne is one of the best places in Belgium. It occurs in the same vast spruce forests as the Quebra-nozes and hunts small rodents and large insects on the clearing plains at dusk. The best chance to hear this owl is in the spring period from March to May. Other birds you can see in the area are Milhafre-real, Picanço-de-dorso-ruivo, Grou-comum, Corvo, Dom-fafe, Bútio-vespeiro, Tentilhão-montês, chapim-montês, Escrevedeira-amarela, Galinhola, Pica-pau-preto and Pica-pau-mediano.



The biggest place in the area is Malmedy. From Malmedy you follow the roadsigns to Stavelot and from Stavelot to Wanne and Logbierme. There are various routes around Logbierme and Wanne. I selected the Logbierme village tour which you can see on the map and follow with your phone. This circular route is 3,6 km.

Terreno e Habitat

Floresta , Agricultura , Zonas húmidas , Campina , Montanha



Caminho circular


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Pé , Bicicleta , Carro

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