
John Forrest National Park

Western Australia  >  Australia

Loop road into beautiful John Forrest National Park only 30 minutes from centre of Perth in the hills east of the city. Iconic Western Australian native flora.

Adicionado* por Judith Gillespie
Ultima atualização 21 novembro 2024
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John Forrest National Park is a national park in the Darling Scarp, east of Perth. Proclaimed as a national park in November 1900, it was the first national park in Western Australia. There are many walking trails that lead you through jarrah, marri, flooded gums, swamp peppermint and paperbark trees. Forested hills with granite boulders, home to iconic Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo and a variety of honeyeaters and other small passerines.



John Forrest National Park is a short 30 minute drive from the centre of Perth. You need a car to get there. There are three entrances to the park off Great Eastern Highway. The road in is gently winding with a few areas to park. A turn off takes you into a fee paying day use area (Park is $15 per vehicle, 2024), popular for picnics. Can stay on loop road with having to pay.

Terreno e Habitat




Caminho circular


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Boa temporada de observação de aves

Primavera , Outono , Verão

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Estrada pavimentada

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Caminhada média

Acessível por

Pé , Carro

Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

There are several walking trails to choose from in John Forrest NP. The walk that is shown on the map is the Wildflower Walk Trail via Hovea Falls. This easy walk of approximately 5 km explores part of the park and includes a side trip to the Hovea Falls.


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