
Boorabee Willows Indigenous Protected Area

New South Wales  >  Australia

Home to 140 species of Australia's woodland birds, including over 15 threatened species.

Adicionado* por Andrew McIntyre
Ultima atualização 9 março 2024
Este lugar para observação de aves ainda não foi avaliado. Seja o primeiro a avaliar a área com 1 a 5 estrelas


Boorabee Willows Indigenous Protected Area is on the western slopes of NSW New England Tablelands. 2,700 ha of grassland, grassy white box woodland and shrubby stringybark woodland. The Severn River runs through the middle of the properties. You can expect to see Turquoise Parrots, Brown Treecreeper, Speckled Warbler, Black-chinned Honeyeater, Hooded Robin, Grey-crowned Babbler, Varied Sittella and Diamond Firetail.

A relatively remote area so you can expect to be camping in solitude. The property has a reasonably good network of tracks so getting around the place reasonably good, with the option of more remote off track walks.



The property can be accessed along the Strathboggie Road from Glen Innes. Once on the property there is a reasonable network of dirt tracks providing access to established campsites. The property is ideal for mountain bike riding. Days trips would be an option but camping is the best way to experience the place.

Terreno e Habitat

Árvores e arbustos dispersos , Campina , Rio , Floresta


Montanhoso , Rochoso , Seco

Caminho circular


é útil um telescópio?


Boa temporada de observação de aves

Primavera , Outono , Verão

Melhor hora para visitar

Verão , Outono , Primavera


Estrada pavimentada , Estrada não pavimentada , Caminho largo

Caminho dificil


Acessível por


Abrigo/plataforma deobservação de aves


Informação extra

An indigenous protected area covering 2,700 hectares managed by the Glen Innes Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Boorabee Land Corporation. The properties are Ngoorabul country.


Veja outros pontos de observação de aves na área publicados em Birdingplaces


5 Melhores Aves

Turquoise Parrot
1. Turquoise Parrot
(Neophema pulchella)
Gray-crowned Babbler
3. Gray-crowned Babbler
(Pomatostomus temporalis)
Hooded Robin
4. Hooded Robin
(Melanodryas cucullata)
Diamond Firetail
5. Diamond Firetail
(Stagonopleura guttata)

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