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Mountain pass with meadow and forest. Several woodpecker species as well as other mountain birds have nested here.
This location, at 7,000 foot elevation, offers access to mountain species including White-headed Woodpecker, Mountain Chickadee, Hermit Warbler, Evening Grosbeak, Cassin's Finch, Red Crossbill, Western Tanager and Mountain Quail. A meadow adjacent to the parking area is surrounded by aspen/conifer forest. Parts of this area were logged in 2024 so the scenery has been better but there is still sufficient habitat for wildlife.
Multiple species of woodpeckers have nested in the meadow including White-headed Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Black-backed Woodpecker, Red-breasted Sapsucker and Williamson's Sapsucker, as well as other birds like Mountain Chickadee and Western Bluebird.
During the breeding season, among the most common birds that can be heard singing or calling here are Warbling Vireo, Steller's Jay, Common Raven, Mountain Chickadee, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush, American Robin, Western Tanager, Dark-eyed Junco, Fox Sparrow, Cassin's Finch, Yellow-rumped Warbler and Hermit Warbler.
Yuba Pass Road, on either side of Highway 49, offers good birding opportunities, with the south side offering more elevation and perhaps chances to view species like Clark's Nutcracker. Watch for finches like Evening Grosbeak and Cassin's Finch picking up grit from the edges of the road to help them digest the seeds that make up their diet.
Yuba Pass is at the 7,000' summit of California Highway 49 between Sierra City on the west and Sierraville on the east. This location is best explored on foot, much of the birding is accessible adjacent to the road and parking area. The highway has recreational traffic on weekends.
May & June are the best months, but snow may persist on the ground in to June following a wet winter.
There are also turnouts on the highway nearby.
There are pit toilets at the parking area.
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