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Thompson WMA is the place to find some of the rarer warblers in the region - such as Kentucky Warbler and Cerulean Warbler.
Thompson Wildlife Management Area is an actively hunted area (Sunday visits are recommended when hunting is not allowed), and the habitat is in fantastic condition, reflecting the low white-tailed deer numbers. Many ground nesting birds, uncommon in other areas, are common here - such as Kentucky Warbler and Worm-eating Warbler. Cerulean Warbler is probably the most sought after bird in spring (it breeds here) and can be easily heard on the Appalachian Trail - which bisects the WMA.
Thompson Wildlife Management lies in the Blue Ridge Mountains and is located primarily in Fauquier County. You can park down at Thompson Lake or above the park near the Appalachian Trail. Click on a P in the map for directions or coordinates. Seven miles of the Appalachian Trail and other trails and interior roads invite hiking. The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 5 miles. Best visited in Sunday when hunting is not allowed.
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