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Pleasure House Point Natural area preserves one the largest undeveloped parcels of land on the Lynnhaven River. It's located near the Chesapeake Bay.
Pleasure House Point Natural Area provides various birding habitats: Maritime forest, mudflats, oyster beds, marshes and ponds that attract a great variety of species. Gulls and terns often rest on the exposed mudflats in the Lynnhaven inlet. The marsh reeds provides good habitat for Saltmarsh Sparrows, Nelson Sparrows, Seaside Sparrows, Clapper Rails and American Bitterns. Shorebirds, Herons and Egrets are found feeding on the shores and Oyster beds. Waterfowl is found in the ponds throughout the Winter months. Osprey, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier are some of the raptors usually spotted here.
Pleasure House Point Natural Area is accessible by foot only. Parking is available along Marlin Bay drive from where soft trails enter the area. Click on a P on the map for directions or coordinates. Additional parking is available near the Brock Environmental Center. No public restrooms available. No fee. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 2 miles (3,5 km).
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