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The park's large trees and open spaces and the gardens attract a variety of bird species. Nice site for urban birding in Denver.
Denver Botanic Gardens is a public botanical garden spanning over 24 acres. Cheesman Park spans over 80 acres. Cheesman Park is an open area but the old trees surrounding the central grassy field often attract migrant birds. In some winters, the stands of coniferous trees can contain flocks of finches. Across the road, the Denver Botanic Gardens are worth visiting just for the extensive and fascinating variety of plant life, but they can also be quite birdy at almost any time of year.
Birds to look for in the park and gardens include Cooper's Hawk, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Say's Phoebe, Brown Creeper, Townsend's Solitaire, Cedar Waxwing, Mountain Chickadee and many more, see the birdlist below.
The Denver Botanic Gardens is located at 1007 York Street in Denver. Limited free parking is available in the parking complex between York and Josephine streets during hours of operation. Parking in the parking complex is only for Gardens' visitors. Street parking is available in Cheesman Park or Congress Park, where posted. By Public Transport: You can take the line 10 bus from 12th Ave & Grant St to 12th Ave & Race St.
Admission Botanic gardens $ 15.75 (2025), Opening hours 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cheesman Park is free to enter.
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