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Bear Creek Educational Forest is a diverse 492-acre tract of Lake Talquin State Forest and is located close to Tallahassee.
The 3.0-mile (4,7 km) Bear Creek Trail is an easy way for birding in the Bear Creek Educational Forest. The hardwood forest is good for Northern Parula and Hooded Warbler in spring and summer. The first mile of the Bear Creek Trail is very productive in April and May and again in September and October. Look and listen for Yellow-throated Vireo and Summer Tanager in the spring, and migrants such as American Redstart and Kentucky Warbler in the fall. The latter portion of the trail has pine flatwoods, good for Red-headed Woodpecker and Brown-headed Nuthatch. Broad-winged Hawks and Swallow-tailed Kites nest in the area. Other birds to see in the area are Pileated Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Carolina Wren and Turkey Vulture.
Bear Creek Educational Forest is located just south of Quincy, in Gadsden County, it is only minutes from Tallahassee. Click on the P in the map for directions or coordinates. Take water and insect repellent.
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