
Wheatfen Broad - Ted Elis Trust

Norfolk  >  United Kingdom

A beautiful reedbed and wet woodland reserve thats rich in wildlife from the rare Swallowtail Butterfly, to the iconic kukułka.

Dodane* przez Drew Lyness
Ostatnia aktualizacja 17 lutego 2022
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This small but very special nature reserve offers birders the chance to see a wealth of reedbed specialists, as well as a brilliant variety of invertebrates including Swallowtail Butterfly and Norfolk Hawker Dragonfly.

In the winter, look out for płomykówka (zwyczajna) quartering the reedbed on cold, still evenings. The woodland holds sikora uboga, gil and other common garden birds. You will likely see błotniak stawowy around the reserve too. In the spring, listen out for the iconic sounds of kukułka as well as a whole host of warblers including wierzbówka zwyczajna, rokitniczka, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), świerszczak and piecuszek.

In summer and autumn, you may encounter roaming flocks of wąsatka in the reeds, while kobuz will be hawking for dragonflies overhead. This is a very peaceful reserve, especially in early mornings and evenings, so is a fantastic place to get your dose of nature therapy.



There is a car park and a small visitor hut, where you can find out more about the reserve.

Teren i siedlisko

Tereny podmokłe , Rzeka , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Trzcinowiska


Płaski , Bagienny

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Wiosna , Lato


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Średnio wymagający spacer



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Dodatkowe informacje

The paths can get very boggy in winter, and some may be closed off when water levels on the river are high.

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