
Water of Leith

Scotland  >  United Kingdom

A nice walk for those in the area of Dean Village. A variety of birds can be found here, including zimorodek, pluszcz and czapla siwa.

Dodane* przez Nastassja
Ostatnia aktualizacja 4 lutego 2025


The birds found along the river Water of Leith in Dean Village are year round, including some interesting finds like zimorodek, czapla siwa, pluszcz, nurogęś and the occasional river otter. Small birds include gil, sosnówka, and pełzacz leśny. All these birds are found year around, along with more commonly found birds like sroka, grzywacz, strzyzyk zwyczajny, and rudzik. Rarer finds include dzwoniec farther up stream from Dean Village.



Dean Village is a historic village located in Edinburgh and situated along the Water of Leith. Parking is difficult to find around Edinburgh. It is best to use public transit to access this walk. There are various roads that cross the Water of Leith, making it easy to take a bus back into town. The walking route indicated on the map is about 5 km one way.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzeka , Miasto/wieś , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy


Płaski , Bagienny

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Dodatkowe informacje

Dean Village is only a part of the Water of Leith walk. The path itself begins farther down stream, and can go past Balerno for the more adventurous birders.

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