
Warnham Nature Reserve

East Sussex  >  United Kingdom

The 17 acre Warnham Millpond with its reedbeds, islands and marginal vegetation dominates this 92 acre site. Over 100 species of bird are recorded every year.

Dodane* przez Phillip Coggles
Ostatnia aktualizacja 1 stycznia 2025


Warnham Local Nature Reserve is a haven for wildlife just a 30-minute walk from Horsham town centre. The varied mix of habitats proves a haven for wildlife. Over 400 species of plants have been found, from Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil to Orchids, as well as many different fungi. Over 100 species of bird, including the czapla siwa with their thriving heronry and woodpeckers, are recorded annually. The zimorodek is to be seen most days and is joined by rybitwa rzeczna in the summer which come to breed on the millpond. The reedbed offers a breeding site for trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), potrzos, wodnik (zwyczajny) and even bąk in the coldest of winters. Around the woodland rides many summer visitors such as gajówka, kapturka and cierniówka stay to breed.

The edges of the Millpond are very attractive to migrant wading birds and brodziec piskliwy, samotnik and kszyk are often seen. kulik wielki, szablodziób, bekasik and kwokacz are scarcer but regular visitors during spring and autumn passage. The reserve has bird hides overlooking a 17-acre millpond, walking trails through meadows and woodland, boardwalks over the marshy grassland and a woodpecker hide.



Parking at Warnham Nature Reserve is free. The car park has plenty of spaces. The car park is locked when the reserve closes. Admission is £4.00 per adult and free for under 16s. If you wish to only visit the Cafe and Visitor Centre, admission is free. If you arrive after the Cafe and visitor centre are closed, you can enter through the gate next to the centre and admission is free.

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