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Historic Victoria Park is an oasis of wildlife in Belfast and good for easy birding. Next to the common waterbirds you can encounter also more rare species.
This historic park in Belfast is surrounded by modern infrastructure but remains an oasis for wildlife and is part of the Connswater Community Greenway - a 9km linear park through East Belfast following the course of the Connswater, Knock and Loop Rivers, connecting open and green spaces. In Victoria Park you can see common water birds like gęgawa, mewa srebrzysta, śmieszka, krzyżówka, czernica, łabędź niemy, łyska and perkozek in the Lake. But also more rare birds like czapla nadobna, ostrygojad and rycyk.
There are two possible circuits of the park, an inner and outer loop around the lake. The outer loop path (1,7 km) begins at the car park alongside the lake. As you face the lake, follow the path to the right. Continue along the path past the bowling green, a small rose garden, the children’s playground and a BMX track. Follow this path round to your left. Further on the path runs along an embankment between the lake and Connswater River. Across the river are the Short’s aircraft factories, which in turn are overshadowed by Samson and Goliath. Continue round the lake to the starting point. To walk the inner loop (1,5 km), return to the car park, cross the footbridge over the lake and turn right. The mown path meanders through the trees, again following the line of the lake. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the car park.
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