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The University of East Anglia has a fantastic campus for birding, with a variety of habitats to explore and a diversity of common bird species to see.
The University of East Anglia (UEA) has some fantastic grounds for birding, and whatever the time of year, there is always something to see. With a wide selection of trails to choose from, it is always worth exploring if you are in the area or indeed visiting the univeristy for any reason. The standout feature of the campus is UEA Broad (the universities lake). This will hold perkoz dwuczuby throughout the year, and you may also catch a glipse of a passing zimorodek or hear the erruptive calls of wierzbówka zwyczajna. The lawns around campus may have dzięcioł zielony feeding on them. You can see pliszka górska and czapla nadobna along the river.
In the winter, look out for nurogęś as this is one of the more reliable locations to find them in the county. There may also be plenty of gulls including mewa pospolita and mewa srebrzysta using the lawn around the edge of the lake. At dusk, słonka and kszyk can be found in any of the wetland areas around campus. In spring, a dawn walk around UEA Broad may reveal brodziec piskliwy along the waters edge. Worth getting there early, as the site does become busy with dog walkers and visitors during the day. The campus is alive with the sound of warblers including kapturka, gajówka, cierniówka, pierwiosnek, piecuszek, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), rokitniczka and even a few świerszczak! There may be kukułka joining the dawn chorus. During a spring fall, local scarcities such as drozd obrożny and pleszka have been found here.
Summer is quiter, but a wide selection of garden birds may still be seen in the area including gil and pełzacz leśny. On a dusk trip to the playingfields, you may hear pójdźka calling in the large oak trees. Raptors including błotniak stawowy may be seen, as they range more widely away from the Norfolk Broads at this time of year. UEA Broad may be host to a couple of pairs of rybitwa rzeczna. Autumn is a good time to keep eyes on the skies for flocks of gęś krótkodzioba, while the winter thrushes including droździk and kwiczoł will be returing. It is always worth locating flocks of raniuszek zwyczajny as there is a possiblity of something rarer being in them, such as a świstunka żółtawa (especially after periods of easterly winds). The greenhouse feeders may host czyż, czeczotka brazowa and jer.
Given the number of birders working or studying at UEA, there is always a chance of a top quality rarity being found. Previous records have included swistunka iberyjska, rybitwa wielkodzioba, mewa delawarska and srokosz!
You can use the pay and display car park on campus, or, access the site via Earlham park. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point.
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