
South Huish Marsh and South Milton Ley

Devon  >  United Kingdom

South Huish Marsh and South Milton Ley are in South Devon.

Dodane* przez Baz Willmott
Ostatnia aktualizacja 8 lutego 2021
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South Huish Marsh and South Milton Ley are within walking distance of each other, they are situated just South of the town of Thurlestone in South Devon. South Huish Marsh (BE AWARE THIS IS A NO ACCESS RESERVE) has open areas of water with reedbeds and water meadows, it has a large National Trust car park (fee payable) at it's Western end giving excellent views over the marsh and surrounding fields, rarities can be expected, mewa różowa and brodziec żółtonogi were seen during 2020. South Milton Ley has one of the largest reedbeds in Devon and is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, it is also a VERY ACTIVE RINGING SITE WITH NUMEROUS RIDES, some birds to be found are wierzbówka zwyczajna, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny), rokitniczka and potrzos. During Summer it can hold a dymówka roost, whilst during Winter it often has a szpak and Pliszka brytyjska roost, some Devon rarities have included wodniczka, wąsatka and trznadelek. The beach area is also worth checking for waders/seabirds and check sea for Divers/Grebes and Auks.



From the town of Kingsbridge take the A381 West to Salcombe, then a right turn on a narrow minor road (Bagton Lane) to the village of South Huish. After this continue West to South Milton Sands and car park.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Dolina , Rzeka , Trzcinowiska , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Plaża , Morze , Jezioro , Tereny podmokłe


Płaski , Piaszczysty , Bagienny , Ślisko , Możliwy wysoki poziom wody , Otwarty krajobraz

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Wiosna , Jesień , Jesienne migracje , Zima , Lato , Wiosenne migracje


Droga utwardzona , Szeroka ścieżka , Wąski szlak

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego

Średnio wymagający spacer


Pieszo , Rower , Samochód

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