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Country park with mixed woodland and heathland. With car park, toilets and a little cafe with a number of bird feeders.
Snelsmore Common Country Park is 96 hectares in size and has a variety of habitats with woodland, flooded areas, and heathland with several waymarked trails through the varied habitats. The heathland, wet mires and woodland are home to rare bird species including lelek, lerka and świergotek drzewny.
Fairly easy walking and a variety of birds in a relatively small area. There are a number of feeders behind the cafe where you can see kowalik, dzięcioł duży, sikora uboga and other common woodland birds.
Snelsmore Common Country Park is located 4 miles north-west of Newbury. Plenty of car parking off the B4494 between north of Newbury. Click on the P in the map for directions. Toilets and cafe at the car park. Parking is free but donations are invited for Berkshire, Buckinghamshre and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT). Best explored on foot along one (or more) of the waymarked trails. Can be very popular, so better to visit on weekdays.
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