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Just 6 miles from Norwich, this corner of the Norfolk Broads is good for zimorodek and bąk and has a harrier roost in winter.
This reserve on the River Yare has a mix of wetlands, woodlands and meadows, with great birding all year round. Spring is the best time to see wierzbówka zwyczajna, rokitniczka, świerszczak and kukułka, as well as hearing the booming call of the resident bąk and seeing the display flights of the błotniak stawowy. During summer, you might spot a hunting kobuz or płomykówka (zwyczajna), and the resident zimorodek are most active in the warmer months. In autumn, rybołów are regular on passage and wąsatka flock together, as do thousands of szpak. Winter brings peak wildfowl numbers and more bąk from the continent, plus large flocks of czyż and czeczotka brazowa, occasionally hosting a rarer finch species. The harrier roost also reaches its peak, sometimes including błotniak zbożowy. The reserve also has resident Chinese water deer and otters.
By train: Buckenham is the nearest station and Strumpshaw Fen is about a mile away. The other nearby station is Brundall, 1.4 miles (2.3km) from the reserve. From the station walk up the hill (Station Road) towards Brundall village. At the main road turn right and walk through Brundall. Continue under the bridge towards Strumpshaw. Soon after you pass the Strumpshaw sign, turn right into Stone Road, and immediately right again into Low Road. Strumpshaw Fen nature reserve is 500m down Low Road on the right.
By car: The reserve is best approached from the village of Brundall which lies east of Norwich just off the A47. From the A47 roundabout, drive through Brundall and continue on the same road out towards Strumpshaw. Soon after you pass the Strumpshaw sign, turn right into Stone Road, and immediately right again into Low Road. The reserve car park is 500m down Low Road on the right.
By bus: An hourly bus service from Norwich stops 0.7 miles (1.1 km) from the reserve on the Brundall to Strumpshaw Road at the junction of Long Lane and Stone Road (weekdays and Saturdays only). From the bus stop (arriving from the Norwich direction), walk towards Brundall for 40m, then turn left down Stone Road and immediately turn right into Low Road. Strumpshaw Fen nature reserve is 500m down Low Road on the right.
By bike: The Yare Valley cycle route runs close to the reserve.
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