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Most southerly point of Scotland, with stunning views and frenzied activity of a large cliff colony of sea birds all around you.
Nestled at the southernmost tip of Scotland, the Mull of Galloway feels like an island with spectacular panoramic views wherever you turn. Ireland, the Isle of Man, Cumbria and Galloway can all be seen, as can the Scar Rocks, an outlying part of the reserve with a small głuptak colony. The reserve consists of clifftop grassland and heath, surrounded by steep cliffs where seabirds make their homes. The clifftop habitats are important for a number of plant species, including sping squill, thrift, purple milk vetch and sea spleenwort. rzepołuch sometimes breed in the heathland, as do białorzytka, makolągwa and kląskawka . The seabird cliffs are home to locally important colonies of nurzyk, alka, mewa trójpalczasta, kormoran czubaty and nurnik. kruk and sokół wędrowny are also regularly seen around the cliffs. The Scar Rocks are mostly inhabited by around 4,000 głuptak.
By bus to Drummore, 5 miles from reserve. The Mull of Galloway Trail provides a walking route to the reserve from Drummore. By road, 5 miles south of Drummore, follow brown tourist signs from Drummore.
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