
RSPB Loch Gruinart

Argyll and Bute  >  United Kingdom

Loch Gruinart is one of the top wildlife sites in Scotland, with a wide range of habitats which hosts an extraordinary range of key Hebridean birds.

Dodane* przez Lauren
Ostatnia aktualizacja 10 lutego 2023


The RSPB Loch Gruinart Reserve has two hides and a visitor centre. In the spring the fields come alive with breeding wader displays including czajka, krwawodziób and drumming kszyk. derkacz calls can be heard from mid-May and błotniak zbożowy can be seen displaying on the moorland. In Autumn, bernikla białolica and gęś białoczelna arrive in numbers around 30,000 from Greenland, this arrival attracts many bielik to the Loch. Waders such as piaskowiec, biegus zmienny, sieweczka obrożna, siewka złota and szlamnik can be seen through the autumn and winter using the loch. Wintering wildfowl such as świstun, rożeniec, cyraneczka and łabędź krzykliwy spend the winter in front of the hides.



No bus to the reserve. Nearest stop 3 miles (4.8 km) away. Passengers should alight at the junction on the A847 Bridgend to Bruichladdich road, then there will be a three-mile walk. Or if on the Port Askaig route, alight at Bridgend - a six-mile walk to the reserve.

Signed from A847 Bridgend to Bruichladdich road, 3 miles (4.8 km) from turn-off. Ferry from mainland, Kennacraig to Port Askaig or Port Ellen on Islay.

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