
RSPB Labrador Bay

Devon  >  United Kingdom

RSPB Labrador Bay is situated on a coastal strip between Shaldon (Teign Estuary) and Torquay in South Devon.

Dodane* przez Baz Willmott
Ostatnia aktualizacja 7 lutego 2021


This site is probably the best site to see cierlik​​​​​​ in the UK, there is not many places where you can see this special bird whilst you are still in your car in the car park, but this is one of those places. The area is operated as a working farm, so please DO NOT encroach onto fields and crops, livestock such as PONIES/SHEEP and CATTLE can be expected, the area is well served with many paths, some of which are extremely steep and have styles. BE WARNED the area (marked with three stars on map) is PRIVATE and has NO ACCESS. The reserve has woodland and many hedges and over grown scrubby areas, which also make it good for migrants.



The A379 (Teignmouth Road) runs between Shaldon at the mouth of the Teign Estuary and Torquay, if travelling from Shaldon the road passes through a wooded area with bends, quite soon the road straightens out and the large car park is on the Left. BE AWARE THERE ARE NO OTHER FACILITIES AT THIS SITE.

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Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Kanion/klif


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