
Roding Valley Meadows

Essex  >  United Kingdom

Roding Valley Meadows are within the M25 Motorway in Chigwell Essex.

Dodane* przez Baz Willmott
Ostatnia aktualizacja 29 czerwca 2024
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Roding Valley Meadows is a reserve managed by Essex Wildlife Trust. It comprises of river water meadows that frequently flood in Winter when the River Roding overspills it's banks. During this time of flooding there can be an increase in Gull (Laridae) species. There are two footbridges over the river, so you can gain access to the recreation ground and large lake. There are over 10 miles of ancient hedgerows surrounding numerous meadows. świergotek łąkowy, pleszka, pokląskwa, kląskawka​​​​​, białorzytka and muchołówka szara are frequently seen on passage, especially in Autumn. The Recreation Lake most years has perkozek, perkoz dwuczuby, Płaskonos, krakwa, czernica, colder weather increases the chance of świstun and nurogęś. The river has zimorodek and pliszka górska. Both trzcinniczek (zwyczajny) and potrzos can usually be found towards the North East of the reserve and later in the year both samotnik and brodziec piskliwy are regular visitors. Once a year there is a haycut of the meadows, BE AWARE livestock may be present on site, please make sure you close all gates after passing through.

Some more unusual birds that have been seen on the reserve since 2007 are bernikla obrożna, świerszczak, przepiórka, hełmiatka, perkoz rdzawoszyi, myszołów włochaty, wodnik (zwyczajny), słonka and mewa romańska.



Even though the M11 Motorway runs directly beside the reserve, there are a lot of roadworks and construction ongoing in the immediate area. There are two car parks (Free), one at the David Lloyd Tennis Centre and one at Grange Farm. For directions press P on map.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Dolina , Jezioro , Miasto/wieś , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Trzcinowiska , Rzeka , Tereny podmokłe


Płaski , Możliwy wysoki poziom wody , Bagienny , Ślisko , Suchy

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?


Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Przez cały rok

Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Zima , Wiosna , Jesień


Droga utwardzona , Szeroka ścieżka , Droga nieutwardzona , Wąski szlak

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Rower , Samochód

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

The walk on the map (about 4,5 mile) covers all main habitats, you can of course take many shortcuts due to time constraints.

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