
River Torridge - Instow Signal Box - Bideford - Beam Bridge

Devon  >  United Kingdom

The town of Bideford is in North Devon.

Dodane* przez Baz Willmott
Ostatnia aktualizacja 27 lipca 2022


The Town of Bideford is divided in two by the River Torridge, that at it's mouth flows into the River Taw before flowing into the Western part of the Bristol Channel. The area is probably best know as the site of the fictional book Tarka the Otter, written by Henry Williamson and published in 1927. Interestingly the book has never been out of print since then, originally written for adults it has become more known as a classic childrens book. The area is well served by the Tarka Trail, a disused railway line, that runs for over 180 miles (in a rough figure of eight), it's Southern loop incorporates the longest continuous off road cycle path in the UK.

This section takes you from the mouth of the River at Instow, the river is tidal up as far as Weare Gifford and passes many places mentioned at the beginning and end of the book, along the old disused London and South Western Railway as far as Beam Bridge. Unsurprisingly European Otter (Lutra lutra) can still be seen on sections of the river especially when sections of the trail is less busy.

The area's most well known bird visitor is probably the male turkan that spent Jan/Feb in 2008, later returning in October of the same year at the mouth of the estuary. Be sure to check through gathering/roosting gulls(Laridae) between the newer Torridge Bridge and Older Bideford Bridge (see STAR on map) where mewa karaibska, mewa preriowa, mewa polarna, mewa czarnogłowa and the increasingly less common mewa delawarska, have all been seen. Also diligently check through siewka złota flocks where occasionally siewka szara can turn up.

At Kynoch's Foreshore Local Nature Reserve (see STAR on map) there is a boardwalk and viewing platform, BE AWARE the boardwalk can get flooded by extreme high tides.

One of the best places for samotnik in North Devon is at the mouth of the River Yeo (See STAR on map).



The A39 (Atlantic Highway) passes through the town of Bideford. From Barnstaple (just to the East) turn right onto B3233 signed East-the-Water/Yelland, at next roundabout take first exit signed East-the-Water/Superstore/Alverdiscott Road Industrial Estate. Clarence Wharf Car Park (fee payable) is on the Right just as you enter the town of Bideford.

Teren i siedlisko

Las , Tereny podmokłe , Błota , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Łąka , Dolina , Rzeka , Morze , Miasto/wieś


Płaski , Możliwy wysoki poziom wody

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?


Udany sezon obserwacyjny

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Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Zima , Wiosna , Jesień , Jesienne migracje , Wiosenne migracje


Droga utwardzona , Szeroka ścieżka , Droga nieutwardzona , Wąski szlak

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Samochód , Rower

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

Depending on state of tide and species you are looking for either head North towards Instow for more estuary birds or South for more Woodland/Freshwater birds. Sites worth checking out close nearby are The Skern and Northam Burrows Country Park; RSPB Isley Marsh, Yelland Quay and Instow; Home Farm Marsh; Fremington Quay and Pill (see separate entries).


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