
Rainton Meadows Nature Reserve

County Durham  >  United Kingdom

Rainton Meadows has developed into a significant area for wildlife. The wetlands and grasslands support a wide range of birds with over 200 species.

Dodane* przez Rob Bishop
Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 marca 2023


Rainton Meadows wetlands and grasslands support a wide range of birds and over 200 species have been recorded. Waders such as krwawodziób, ostrygojad and czajka are regularly seen and also more unusual species such as sieweczka rzeczna. All five species of UK owl can be seen at different times of the year and there are good numbers of warblers, finches, tits and farmland birds.

Joe’s Pond is a flooded clay pit that was taken over from the Coal Board by local man Joe Wilson – hence the name. The Durham Wildlife Trust took over management of the reserve from Joe and the pond is now a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Immediately adjacent to DWT’s Rainton Meadows site, the pond is relatively deep and fringed with reed swamp and areas of herb rich fen – ideal habitat for a wide range of invertebrates, from water scorpions to dragonflies.

Woodland and scrub surround the site, which adds to the bird interest seen year round on the pond itself. A total of 140 species of bird have been recorded on and around Joe’s Pond. There are also small areas of flower rich grassland so there is something to see year round.



Situated midway between Durham and Sunderland just off the A690. Follow the brown signs for Rainton Meadows just south of Houghton-le-Spring or alternatively leave the A1(M) at Chester-le-Street and head west on the A183/A1052. The reserve gates are open from 9am – 4.30pm, Mon – Sun. The coffee shop is open 10am – 4pm every day.

Access is available to the visitor centre for wheelchair users with disabled toilets. Access is also available to the lakeshore and bird hide via surfaced level footpaths. The site is well served with footpaths and boardwalks providing excellent access for all, including wheelchairs and buggies. The Rainton Meadows visitor centre is a short walk away providing toilet facilities and refreshments.

Public Transport Sunderland/Durham buses stop at Rainton Bridge Business Park leaving a short walk to the reserve with several waymarked footpaths.

Dogs are welcome, but on leads at all times.

Teren i siedlisko

Tereny podmokłe , Łąka , Jezioro


Płaski , Otwarty krajobraz

Trasa dookoła


Czy luneta będzie przydatna ?

Może być przydatna

Udany sezon obserwacyjny

Przez cały rok

Najlepszy czas na wizytę

Wiosna , Jesień , Lato , Zima


Droga utwardzona , Szeroka ścieżka

Poziom trudności szlaku pieszego



Pieszo , Wózek inwalidzki , Samochód

Czatownia/platforma obserwacyjna


Dodatkowe informacje

The reserve has mixed terrain with a number of level surfaced pathways with a moderate slope up to the highest point offering fabulous views across the site and beyond. There are also three nature trails (heron, shrew and dragonfly) and walking routes with interactive rubbing posts for children available from the summer of 2014. Rainton Meadows was created by the restoration of the Rye Hill Opencast coal mine in 1996 by UK Coal in partnership with Durham Wildlife Trust and the City of Sunderland.


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