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Pleasley Pit CP is a disused pit that has since been turned into a thriving nature reserve. It is situated in North East Derbyshire just off the A617.
The area consists of wide gravel paths, easily accessible for wheelchair & mobility scooters. It consists of scrubland, a large pond at the old pit top 3 small ponds which is fantastic for dragon & damselflies in the warmer months & a long thin pond to the south.
There are benches around the park and a cafe in the old pit complex that is open 10am-2pm on weekdays, serving hot drinks & food. It is run by volunteers from the local villages. Pleasley Pit Country Park is best visited in the cooler months during the Autumn Migration where Płaskonos, , czajka, cyraneczka, krakwa & kormoran can be seen on the large pond. With chances of local rarities like batalion & siewka złota
There is a bird hide on the west bank, the key can be obtained from the Nature Group for a charge of £7.00 membership & £3.00 key deposit. There is a purpose built brzegówka nesting bank which is well managed & attracts a large amount of birds in the summer to breed. Near to the entrance of the cafe a bird feeding station has been set up which attracts gil, dzwoniec & potrzos among other common species. Parking has recently been changed to a paid car park, £2.50 for the entire day, or if you frequent, a season pass can be purchased for £20 for the year. It is a Pay-By-Phone system and is ANPR monitored.
There are a number of small, wooded areas dotted around the park & 2 large wildflower meadows. Aside from birds, this park is excellent for butterflies & roe deer, the latter of which can be very tame, being occasionally seen browsing around the area of the pond, even during peak times.
By car, drive towards Pleasley. Parking is situated in a purpose built car park - NG19 7EY
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