
Pig's Nose Valley

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Pig's Nose Valley is to the West of the village of East Prawle on the most Southerly tip of South Devon.

Dodane* przez Baz Willmott
Ostatnia aktualizacja 15 lutego 2021
To miejsce Ptasie Miejsce nie został jeszcze oceniony. Bądź pierwszą osobą, która oceni od 1 do 5 gwiazdek


Pig's Nose Valley runs North East to South West, the stream (empties into the sea near Venerick's Cove) has a public footpath running it's full length and is lined with trees/shrubs and thickets only opening up nearer the coast. The area has had Nearctic species such as wireonek czerwonooki in the past, so diligent checking of the area may be worthwhile. The shrub/thicket is so dense that watching from the footpath is advised.



The main road (A379) between the town of Kingsbridge and Dartmouth is to the North, from this main road head South at Chillington or Frogmore on minor roads signed East Prawle/Prawle Point. Just as you reach the village of East Prawle you pass a pond (very close to road on the Right) surrounded by trees/shrubs that's worth checking (park carefully). Continue on this road and turn Right beside large building, continue on this road, stopping at gateways to check fields. The start of Pig's Nose Valley footpath is on a sharp Right hand bend further along this same road, park up (carefully not blocking access) or on grass verge just before sharp bend and walk down valley footpath.

Teren i siedlisko

Rzadkie drzewa i krzewy , Rzeka , Łąka , Morze , Miasto/wieś , Rolnictwo/uprawy , Plaża , Kanion/klif


Pagórkowaty , Skalisty , Otwarty krajobraz , Ślisko

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Droga utwardzona , Szeroka ścieżka , Wąski szlak

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Średnio wymagający spacer


Pieszo , Rower , Samochód

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