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Nature reserve next to the Humber Estuary, a few miles from Hull. There are extensive mud-flats, reedbeds and grassland to hold a wide variety of birds.
Paull Holme Strays offers good views of a variety of birds. The sky is often full of the song of skowronek and the calls of kulik wielki and krwawodziób. Thousands of siewka złota fill the sky, often stirred up by błotniak stawowy or sokół wędrowny. There is a single hide at the end of a good walk around the wetlands, that will often provide views of breeding szablodziób in the summer and uszatka błotna in the winter.
Look out for wodnik (zwyczajny), wierzbówka zwyczajna, trzcinniczek (zwyczajny) and rokitniczka in and around the vegetation and ditches. It is also worth keeping an eye out of birds flying along the estuary - mewa trójpalczasta and even głuptak have been recorded. Also the trees surrounding nearby Fort Paull hold various warblers, chats and thrushes.
From the A1033 follow the signs for Fort Paull and then head south on Thorngumbald Road. The entrance to the car park is on the right just less than a mile after the entrance to Fort Paull. In the winter, access can be very muddy - it may be best to walk up the road slight and use the access path that runs alongside the Gas compound.
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