
NWT Buxton Heath

Norfolk  >  United Kingdom

One of the best heathland sites remaining in Norfolk, home to some of the iconic species of this habitat.

Dodane* przez Drew Lyness
Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 lutego 2022


Heathland as a habitat is fairly rare in Norfolk, so Buxton Heath is a real diamond in the rough. It has lots of paths and trails to walk on, and is a fabulous place to experience the sounds of singing lerka on a spring day, and if you're lucky, churring lelek at dusk!

In the winter, the bog areas are home to słonka, kszyk and small numbers of bekasik. You may find trznadel and kląskawka while wandering the trails. In some winters, krzyżodziób świerkowy, błotniak zbożowy and very occasionally srokosz may all be found here!

In spring and summer, listen out for the song of pełzacz leśny and kowalik in the woodland areas. piecuszek and świergotek łąkowy can be heard along the trails, while kobuz may be seen overhead. This is a fantastic reserve to explore if you're in the area and have some time to spare.



There is a car park in the south-west corner of the reserve. You can explore the whole site on foot from there. Click on the P in the map to get directions. The footpaths can get muddy in the winter.

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