
Northward Hill RSPB Reserve

Kent  >  United Kingdom

Working farm and nature reserve with grazing cows and sheep, marshes, hayfields, orchards and plenty of birds.

Dodane* przez Michael Watts
Ostatnia aktualizacja 5 lutego 2021
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On a ridge above the Thames Marshes, Northward Hill nature reserve offers miles of trails, marshes and hayfields, bustling with birds. Northward Hill is a working farm, with grazing cows and sheep. In summer, there’s plenty of wildlife to enjoy in the day and evening, including butterflies and dragonflies, bats and moths. The scrubland is rich in słowik rdzawy and cierniówka. You can see birds of prey like błotniak stawowy and kobuz that hunt dragonflies over the marsh. szablodziób nest on reservoir islands. In winter, large numbers wildfowl gather on marshland floods and there is a huge roost of gawron and kawka at dusk. 4,000 gawron look spectacular as they prepare to roost in wood. Wintering thrushes, finches and buntings gather in scrub. droździk and kwiczoł can be seen in the orchards below wood. You could also encounter a uszatka błotna.



Leave M2 at junction 1 and join the A228, signposted Grain. Turn left off A228 for High Halstow. In the village turn left onto Cooling Road towards Cooling. After approximately 1 mile, the reserve is signposted as a right turn.

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