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Former quarry turned bird paradise. North Cave will not dissapoint whether that's spring, summer, autumn or winter.
North cave has many lakes within the reserve that are perfect for many different species of birds including waders, ducks, and birds of prey. With over 200 species of bird recorded on the reserve, you're highly likely to see something new on the reserve each visit. In autumn and winter, migrant waterfowl are the star attraction with birds such as, świstun, cyraneczka, and Płaskonosas well as the odd błotniak stawowy. In spring and summer, warblers and waders take centre stage, with birds such as: szablodziób, sieweczka rzeczna, and rokitniczkaas well as kobuz scaring the czajka. Whatever season you visit in you will not be disappointed!
Come off at Junction 38 of the M62/A63 and take the B1230 east to North Cave. At the first crossroad in the village, turn left onto Townend Lane and follow the brown reserve signs. If approaching north on the A1079 Market Weighton bypass take the minor road south through North Cliffe to North Cave then follow signs. The nature reserve is 15 miles west of Hull, of Cliffe Road on Dryham lane. The circular trail around the reserve is about 3 km long.
No dogs are allowed on the reserve and cyclists are advised not to use the reserve as a cycle track.
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